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Saturday, November 13, 2010

The Weather Over the Next Two Weeks!!!


Sunday, November 7, 2010

Updated Delmarva Winter 2010-2011 Forecast

There have been a few changes since I last updated the Winter Forecast:
End of November- Very cold temperatures with a few snow showers. Expect Thanksgiving to have temperatures that may not get out of the lower 40s.
December-Wide variation with temperatures but most of the month will be very cold. December will be the snowiest month of the winter. Expect a possible white Christmas.
January- Wide variation in temperatures. Expect the beginning of the month to be the coldest and snowiest with the end of the month being warmer with more of a wintry mess with ice and mix events.
February- Warmer than average temperatures. Expect the beginning of the month to have a few wintry events. The end of the month should be mostly rain with possibly some wet snow.
March- Average temperatures. There may be a possible end of the season snowstorm.